These are the 3 flights of stairs that bring you here to our front door - and help keep us in shape! You are looking into our entry hall and through to our family room.
The family room has a BIG couch - lots of room for visitors! Beyond the couch is our study. It has a table for both computers, an exercise bike and a piano. (YEAH!)
The bathroom is nice. Our bedroom is huge with a small balcony that overlooks a fairly busy street. I know you love the orange flowered pillows on the maroon bedspread! This brown, green & yellow home is a little hard for this red & black girl! The closets were a challenge, the small one I'm pointing to was not quiet enough for my clothes - so I took both of the closets in the wardrobe. That left Elder Reese with the hall closet that he shares with the attic storage and the storage cabinets!
This apartment is comfortable and really centrally located. There is a grocery store right below us and our office is only a 7 minute walk away!